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Human Intelligence in the Smart Security World

Explore the evolution of security systems and the role of smart technology today. Learn why human intelligence remains crucial in enhancing AI’s adoption for comprehensive security management.

The Evolution of Security Systems 

From ancient moats, drawbridges, and guard dogs to today's nearly $50B industry, security systems have evolved dramatically. The ever-evolving security landscape is more robust and fascinating than ever, incorporating both traditional guarding services and advanced technologies. 

Today, thanks to these developments, we can trade shovels for modern tools like video surveillance equipped with artificial intelligence (AI). AI can allow us to perform many security functions quickly and accurately with just a touch. 

The AI revolution is undoubtedly met with resistance by some, like with all new Technology. Is it viable? Reliable? Tested? Vetted? These concerns are important, but they shouldn't overshadow the benefits AI can offer. 

Early adoption of AI is key. Iterating, learning, and understanding these technologies early on can help ensure sustainable, long-term implementation. 

While we continue to learn and adapt to the complexities of these advanced solutions to effectively fill the gaps, one factor remains constant in this rapidly changing field: the value of human intellect. 

The Rise of AI-Empowered Technology 

As an industry, we’ve made significant headways to leverage the robust benefits of AI-empowered security devices. With a plethora of use cases, we're finding more and more ways to integrate it into our security management and risk mitigation protocols, including use cases like: 

Detection - Leverage an accurate, tirelessly vigilant eye to detect site activity, 24/7. 

Object Classification - Identify and discern objects such as people, cars, packages & so on. 

Operational Efficiency - Impact the bottom line with safe, efficient operations. 

Risk Mitigation - Predict risks by analyzing data patterns for enhanced situational awareness. 

These applications of AI in security have shown substantial benefits to both safety and return on investment. However, can AI handle complex and unique security scenarios during incidents or threats? 

As smart as AI has become, it doesn’t embody everything we need to manage security effectively – and never will. Thankfully, human intelligence is the perfect extra layer to augment this significant gap. 

Over-Reliance on Technology + The Importance of Human Intelligence 

The value propositions of AI are extensive and ever-growing. AI offers speed, efficiency and a tireless watchful eye. It never blinks, and rarely glitches or malfunctions if kept updated and current. 

AI is impressive, and its continued advancement is promising, but it will never be an all-in-one solution. AI lacks the judgement, emotional intelligence, and intuition needed for proper responses in security and during emergencies. 

We should protect our clients from the pitfalls of an over-reliance on Technology and AI as it isn't foolproof - 

AI lacks intuition and cannot replicate the intuitive leaps and gut judgements of humans. 

AI can exhibit bias, potentially leading to skewed or harmful results based on the interpreted data and algorithms it's trained on. 

AI lacks human intelligence, unable to empathize and properly interpret behavior. 

Security events are each unique in their own, often requiring fast thinking based on context, experience and training. If AI is black and white, then security is a grey zone. In daily security management and where AI falls short in this murky middle ground, human intelligence can add enormous value: 

Humans can deter & respond to risks through live, interactive, two-way communication when reacting to AI-detected security events or anomaly behavior 

Humans can manage and interpret data to understand the nuances of unique facility operations and security risks for overall situational awareness. 

Humans can use judgement to navigate grey-zone emergency situations requiring swift decision-making based on context and learned, facility-specific experiences 

Humans are uniquely positioned to harness AI tools to their full potential while adding irreplaceable value to those that they're protecting. One of the biggest mistakes security managers can make is letting the excitement over new Technology diminish the role of smart humans. 

A Multi-Layered Approach is Best 

A multi-layered approach is key to comprehensive security. The strength lies in the prioritization of both - humans and Technology in tandem - each complementing the other’s strengths and mitigating the other’s weaknesses. Security budgets should be allocated accordingly – to both smart devices and experienced eyes – to be least susceptible to risk. 

As the creators of AI and smart Technology, only humans can manage and leverage the benefits they were designed to deliver. To provide the proactive, reactive and interactive security that businesses need, a blended solution is best. 

As you consider your next security blueprint, remember that the toughest security systems today harmoniously leverage smart tech + human intelligence, leaving little room for gaps, and the most room for peace of mind for your people and property.  

To create a multi-layered solution to your security needs, contact Securitas today.