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Career Paths

Envision a long-lasting career with Securitas

As a leader in the security industry Securitas offers employees the opportunity to grow with the company and advance to other positions. We equip our employees with the tools, mentoring and training they need to develop as security officers and progress into more operational or senior security positions. Many people in our company started their careers as security officers.

Security Training Succession Plans

Securitas USA implements training succession plans for our security officers and supervisors.  Successful completion of each proprietary training course makes officers eligible for optional promotions and puts them on track for the next phase of training.

Learn more about Training and Development opportunities at Securitas.

Career Path Map

Testimonial: Career Development

Deborah Mink 

Regional Manager, Labor Relations | Boston, MA

Career Corner

Andrew Hollis joined the company in 2009 and is currently
a Recruitment Specialist in Manchester, NH. When Hollis started as a security officer for Securitas USA, he was looking for a position where he could work with people in a professional environment and stay active on the job. As a flex officer, he was trained to work at a wide variety of client sites, which helps him in his current position. “Although the sites have changed over the past few years, I am often able to give first-hand examples of an applicant’s responsibilities if assigned to those locations. I can generally determine if the applicant would be a reasonable fit for the client site,” explained Hollis. “Additionally, my time spent as a site manager allows me to relate to the current site managers when they have a need for new staff. Having a better understanding of their jobs allows me to support them more effectively.” When asked why he has remained with Securitas USA, Hollis responded, “The company has given me so many opportunities to exceed my own expectations.”

Start your career with Securitas today.

Are you ready for an exciting career in security? Securitas provides many growth opportunities and training and development courses to support you throughout your career.

Apply with Securitas.

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